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Bo Lan
2023年4月12日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week19-Tabula Tasa &Language Learning
Our experience of linguistic phenomena is a language-learning activity, and what we acquire is not the retention of linguistic phenomena...
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Bo Lan
2023年3月27日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week18-If animals could speak human language
In my work this week, I explored an interesting philosophical question: what would the world be like if animals could understand and use...
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Bo Lan
2023年3月18日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
week17-Why do humans choose to speak rather than sign language?
"It is no accident that human language uses sound as a means instead of gestures or pictures. Human vision is the most developed, but...
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Bo Lan
2023年3月6日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
week16- Individual Project Proposal Feedback Response
Your proposal holds intriguing ideas that are definitely worth exploring. I was particularly attracted by the intuition of a shift from...
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Bo Lan
2023年3月3日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week15-Breath and Language
Breathing is one of the fundamental processes of life and is necessary to support the normal functioning of the human body. It is also an...
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Bo Lan
2023年2月6日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week14-Humanity loses words and language
In a world without words and language, humans would resemble the lowest forms of animals in their communication and social structures....
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Bo Lan
2023年2月1日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
week13-Sound Art Performance
The assignment for the special topic required 200 words, but I had more than enough to say, so I'm sharing my REFLECTIONS here....
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Bo Lan
2023年1月23日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week11-new term reflection
At the start of the new term, I began to reflect on the balance between critical thinking about art and computer technology. The reason...
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Bo Lan
2022年12月13日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
week9-introduction and video
In 1985, Jean-François Liotta curated the seminal exhibition Immateriality at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, which conceived of a new...
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Bo Lan
2022年12月6日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week8-Art and philosophy producing abolitionists?
Hieronymus Bosch:The Garden of Earthly Delights Tuyevsky said that "one cannot ascertain one's sanity by confining oneself to one's...
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Bo Lan
2022年11月26日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
week7-the border between machine and human
Take the words of the Chinese Lu Xun as an introduction. Chinese people are always fond of reconciliation and compromise. If you say, for...
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Bo Lan
2022年11月14日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week6- Reflection
Reflections on the immaterial value of using rematerial means to preserve material culture from a museum perspective Museums are the...
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Bo Lan
2022年11月7日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week5-A bold conjecture about the material and the immaterial
The fundamental characteristic of matter - that it has mass and volume, and that its trajectory is governed by forces - is that there is...
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Bo Lan
2022年10月25日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week 4- TASK Reflections
Task-1 PIERE HUYGHE: UUMWELT In this work, He constructs a system of living and non-living and human-created intelligences that are...
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Bo Lan
2022年10月18日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
week3-The Knitted Radio
The Knitted Radio is an installation piece that manifests how to knit a sweater that is also a FM radio transmitter. The tactile...
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Bo Lan
2022年10月12日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
week 2 -Cybernetics
In the 1950s and 1960s, a group of architects found themselves confronted with increasingly complex design problems. The development of...
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Bo Lan
2022年10月9日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
week 1 blog
In today's society with the rapid development of computer technology, we have entered the era of electronic information development. With...
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Bo Lan
2022年10月3日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
Interested Design Direction
This project reimagines traditional stained glass as a moving art form. All of the light in the video is from natural sunlight filtering...
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Bo Lan
2022年10月3日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
A fish can’t judge the water - Femke Snelting
It has become our natural habitat. We practice software until we in-corporate i.............Software is never politically neutral, nor...
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