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Bo Lan
2021年11月27日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
RED studio(9)Kindergarten research
In order to explore the favorite elements of children, and to get better inspiration, I went to a kindergarten to interview and research...
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Bo Lan
2021年11月25日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
RED studio (8)prototyping
The design of children's products requires our designers to use a mature heart to figure out the tweaking of children; as long as we...
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Bo Lan
2021年11月25日讀畢需時 7 分鐘
RED studio (7)How to design for children
1. Rewarding Experience Rewards are moments when users recognize their efforts and achievements. Why give users rewards? Reward is a tool...
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Bo Lan
2021年11月9日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
RED studio (5+6)User research + Summary
Hello everyone, last week I clarified my three design stages, namely product design, interior design and community design. I started the...
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Bo Lan
2021年10月28日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
RED studio(4)Designing for urban childhoods
14 ways to designchild-friendly cities These interventions offer an opportunity to improve a city's level of child-friendliness,...
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Bo Lan
2021年10月28日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
RED studio(3)What makes children‘s lives different at different times?
A Radical View on The Social Construction of Childhood The historian Philippe Aries has an extreme view on childhood as a social...
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Bo Lan
2021年10月24日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
RED studio(2) Childhood from a museum perspective
CHILDREN ARE EVERYWHERE, especiallyin the museum world where exhibitions on the material culture of childhood have been increasingly...
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Bo Lan
2021年10月23日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
RED studio (1)
When children start to open their eyes for the first time, they already appear in our world, and the world and the space they live in are...
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