It has become our natural habitat. We practice software until we in-corporate i.............Software is never politically neutral, nor are its aesthetics without colour: each product prescribes use, and results in specific forms, sounds and shapes.
Do the developers actually own the software and have the right to dominate the users of the software?
In the current system, programs are property; those who profit from them make two arguments to support their statement that they own the program: the emotional argument and the economic argument.
The emotional argument goes like this: "I put sweat, passion, and energy into this program. It's mine !
The economic argument goes like this: "I want to be rich, and if you won't let me get rich by programming, then I won't program. Everyone else is like me, so no one will program anymore. And then you'll be in trouble because there's no program available!"
When software systems are copyrighted, software development is usually associated with the existence of their owners, who can control the use of that software. As long as this connection exists, we will often have to choose between software categories. However, this connection is not built-in or necessary; it is the consequence of a specific social/legal policy decision that we are questioning.
"If you prepare a sauce..." she said, "and stir it with a wooden spoon... you will be able to feel at which moment exactly the starch starts to burn to the bottom of the pan". ......... it is in this unspectacular way our daily operations with software help to make sense of our environment.
What is the point of the software?
To improve efficiency and accuracy, reduce manual error rate and labor cost.
Make hardware a real tool for human beings, not a piece of junk
To change the world by making the impossible more efficient and possible.