It has been said that "there are two bottles in the history of human development that are neither works of art nor luxury goods, but whose value and influence far exceed those of art and luxury goods; these are the bottle-shaped packaging designs of two brands, one called Coca-Cola and one called Absolut Vodka."

About Absolut Vodka in Sweden. We all know that it is one of the best-selling and most commonly purchased vodka brands on the market. Its classic bottle shape and highly creative packaging design have successfully established Absolut Vodka's enduring brand image.
To highlight Absolut's iconic bottle design - a clear, short-necked, round-shouldered bottle shape inspired by an old 15th century medicine bottle.
The Phormatik team created this interactive installation Absolut Blank for a public art event in Sofia.

The team worked on a plain white canvas, based on a classic bottle. The packaging is transformed from simple and transparent to a bizarre mix of colours and lines, patterns and stories. They bring together artists from different disciplines
dancing with the Absolut Blank interactive installation. The bottle comes to life as an interactive installation, breaking the boundaries between public space, commercial brands and art installations.

Absolut Blank can be described as a digital "mirror". As each of the artist's movements is replicated by the different animals on the bottle, people's movements correspond to those of the projections on the wall, interacting with them through their body language.
The images on the bottles are bizarre and strange, with ladybirds with long legs waving their arms with the people. The winged bird man bounces with the audience in front of the wall, accompanied by a rhythmic soundtrack, making for a fun scene.
People are often afraid of the unknown and incomprehensible, so this installation not only removes the fear of the unknown, but also adds to the experience of interacting with the projections on the wall through body language, adding to the fun of interaction and respect and acceptance of different things.