In a world without words and language, humans would resemble the lowest forms of animals in their communication and social structures. They would likely rely on simple sounds, gestures, and physical cues to convey basic needs and emotions.
Interpersonal relationships would be largely based on instinct and proximity, with individuals forming small, tight-knit groups for survival and protection. These groups would work together to gather food and resources, using nonverbal cues and physical cooperation to accomplish tasks.
Without the ability to articulate abstract ideas or convey detailed information, the development of technology and culture would be significantly hindered. Simple tools and weapons may still be created, but the ability to build complex machines or preserve knowledge through writing would be absent.
The lack of language would also result in a limited understanding of self and others. Concepts such as self-awareness and empathy would be minimal, and decision-making would be driven primarily by immediate wants and needs.
In this world, humans would be limited in their ability to understand the perspectives and emotions of others, leading to a lack of trust and cooperation. Conflicts would likely arise frequently and be resolved through physical altercations rather than negotiation or compromise.
Without language, humans would also be unable to contemplate the past or plan for the future. They would exist purely in the present moment, with little to no understanding of cause and effect or the passage of time.
In conclusion, a world without language would be a vastly different and much simpler place. Humans would resemble the lowest forms of animals in their communication and social structures, and the development of technology, culture, and self-awareness would be severely hindered.